Welcome in!

If you’re here and reading this page, congrats on taking an interest in yoga! Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or you’re just now researching what yoga is, you’re in the right place. Yoga is many things - a philosophy, a connection, a physical movement. It has its roots in Hinduism and is deeply connected to this idea of a meditative state. The best part about this practice is that it’s up to you what you take out of it. Yoga is focused on you connecting deeper with yourself and discovering the ability to listen to your own body and mind.

I’ve been practicing yoga for 10+ years now and teaching for 2 years. I started yoga as a way to work out and compliment other exercises I was doing. When I first stumbled upon the practice, all I knew were a few poses and the very basics. But that’s really the tip of the yoga iceberg. I soon learned of the other 7 limbs of yoga and the way it can seep into every aspect of life, taking the principals learned on the mat and working them into what you do off the mat.

I spent a couple years teaching at studios in Seattle, WA as part of a beautiful community there. This was an important part of my learning journey - because as a yoga teacher, I am continually a student as well, and you all my teachers. After my stint in Seattle, my partner and I have taken to the road on a big trip through Latin America. That’s when I transitioned to teaching classes online and at studios I find on the road.

I believe yoga has the ability to generate positive change in the world. From feeling better in your body (even the smallest amount) to the mental peace and clarity as you go about your day, to the inspiration to withstand discomfort as you work for the greater good, I believe these positive changes ripple out in all directions. One good deed can change the world.

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Can’t wait to see your beautiful face at one of my classes! Find a time slot that works for your schedule and book :)